Our Mission:
Choosing our best path.
Serving others humbly in love.

Ryan is a gentle and gracious protector who loves his family. He is a beloved mentor to many and has a ton of wisdom + experience, but he also possesses quite the sense of humor and is willing to bring a lightheartedness and joy to whatever situation he finds himself in. Ryan enjoys spending time with his family, going on hikes and adventures, traveling, snowmobiling, offroading, camping, and exploring the wilderness. Ryan loves the mountains, oceans, rain, and just about anything outdoors, as well as his dog, Niko.
Laura is an incredibly creative and artistic individual who also displays tremendous compassion, care, and love for other human beings. She enjoys sharing life with people through both the highs and lows + the thick and thin. Laura enjoys warm sunshine, her dog, walking outside, reading a good book, and listening to music. She also loves Jesus, her family, photography, dance, and adventure. Laura also possesses an incredible talent in knowing just about every song lyric that ever graced this earth.

Austin is passionate about authentic community, incredible adventures, lots of joy + laughs, and deep, late-night conversations with his fellow human beings. His interests include writing (he has a blog!), reading good books, trying new things, spending time with friends and meeting new people, hiking, being outside, going on adventures, martial arts, dance, creativity, fitness, eating good food, watching movies, listening to music, and having conversations about almost any subject under the sun. Some quirky things he loves include the rain, mountains, oceans, gardens, cool pictures, genealogy, personalities, Christmas (and Christmas lights!!!), milkshakes, fountains, busy cities (and quiet forest trails), and dogs.
Kylie is a compassionate and sweet, yet fierce and bold young lady who is so incredibly talented. She also has a deep artistic + creative side, and she loves people a lot. Some things she enjoys include music, art, dancing, and going on adventures! She also enjoys getting wet and dirty from being outside, and snow is one of her favorite things on this entire planet.

Niko is an energetic and talkative German Shedder who loves his humans – he would spend all day with his family if he could. Niko enjoys going on walks (literally his favorite thing ever) and car rides, snow, sand, water, blankets, playing with his tennis ball, meeting new friends, and eating good food. He loves to talk and will talk your ear off if he gets the chance. At heart, he’s a big softy and will sometimes oblige to a good cuddle.